23 May 2012

Healthy Challenge - Day # 13 -- Online Resource

An Online Resource

Welcome to the challenge today! I am so excited about today's post. Maybe because I didn't write it and because it's coming from my great real-life friend and blogging buddy Elise. She has the cutest little family and we have a lot in common- like blogging in sweats and missing our home (Boise, ID) very much!
So here is to Elise, giving you one of my favorite healthy challenges!
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to be helping out Just 2 Birds today with their healthy challenge today!!
I'm Elise and I'm the girl behind the blog, "that's comma with a k", a super laid back blog about the everyday adventures of my life as a wanna-be runner, my growing little family, blogging in sweats, random happenings, motherhood failures and successes... I even throw in a few simple DIY projects and recipes along the way.
I've been absolutely loving the 30 day challenge going on over here and was thrilled when I was asked to be a part of it! I've talked a lot lately about getting back into shape after having my son, signing up for a 5k [happens this weekend], getting a gym membership, zumba classes, and losing this baby weight....but it goes so much deeper than that. I don't want to just lose weight- I want to get healthy, as so many people do! I wanted a lifestyle change...not just something that was going to make me feel good for the moment, you know!?
So, I've decided to make some serious changes...not only for myself, but for my family.
Raise your hand if you hate calculating calories and points, checking proteins, sugars, and fat!?!
Pick me, Pick me!
Some of the time this is necessary for weight loss, but there has to be an easier way right!?
Guess what?! Yes! There. Is!
That's when I found out about myfitnesspal.com
All you do is fill out a profile, how much weight you want to gain or lose...and they create a plan specific for your lifestyle and body type...for free,can't complain about that! In return you enter in the food that you ate throughout the day...breakfast,lunch,dinner and snacks and my fitness pal will keep track of everything for you- calories, proteins, carbs, fat and exercises in your food diary! You have a daily and weekly goal to meet, and have the choice of a weekly weigh in...this way you are held accountable for all of your extrememly hard work!
I've been doing it for a few months now, and it has been a dream. I'm striving to be the best me that I can be so I've been takin a second look at the foods I put into my mouth, plan out my food intake through the day, and I'm loving the way I'm feeling.  My choices at the grocery store have changed, and if you are like me - you are in charge of the food your family eats as well, so your choices, become their choices...make them healthy!
So do yourself a favor, eat something healthy today, drink one more glass of water,
and always remember you are so worth it!

[drinking a glass of water] So, here's to having the happiest Thursday, Just 2 Birds, a wonderful motivation, 30day challenge, and a healthier you!

[follow my blog, pinterest, and twitter for some more awesome-ness!]

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